Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year Resolutions

This year I'm hoping to be better about updating the blog and starting a website! :) Wish me luck! 

Here is an update of pictures since the last post. 

A beautiful and young couple who are getting married this summer! Taylor and Chris grew up in the same small town and this bridge is on the river that Chris grew up on. 
 How beautiful is this family!! Tim and Lisa have 5 girls and their youngest a boy! All which have been married (or married this summer) and a handful of beautiful grand kids. This group was so fun to photograph all together, but also being able to shoot them as individual families as well. 
 Jenelyn, a mom of twins and expecting her third child this winter. Beautiful Momma. 
 This family has energy! :) Well these kids do, and I give big credit for mom and dad for keeping up. I love how blonde these kiddos are!! Kudo's to Kristy for the awesome fall color wardrobe!! 
 LOW Senior. Such a handsome young man. 

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